
5 Reasons to Travel While You’re Young

I can’t tell you how many people I’ve talked to that look back and wish they would have traveled more when they were younger. So, why should you consider strapping on a backpack and venturing out in your teens, twenties, and thirties? Here are a few reasons:

  1. It’s easier, cheaper and more spontaneous. When you’re young, you probably don’t have kids, a cat, a desk job or other responsibilities that are likely to come later. Saying yes to travel is just plain simpler and can be less expensive than it will be later.
  2. Younger usually means healthier, so things like hiking and paddling and climbing don’t set you back physically. Also, you can survive on a lot less sleep and a lot fewer cappuccinos. Travel blogger @theeverygirl gives some great tips on how to stay healthy while traveling.
  3. Travel changes your view of the world and your attitude towards people who aren’t like you. This will just make you a better, more empathetic person. The world will thank you.
  4. The wide world is full of amazing food. As long as you don’t cheat at Mickey D’s, traveling young will expose you to international cuisine and expand your palate in the process.
  5. Stories, stories, stories. When you travel, you gather stories in people, conversations and photos. A well-traveled person is like the best sort of documentary. Travelers stories will make you much less boring at parties. And those pics will make your Instagram legit.

Here’s a bonus. It’s impossible to travel without being flexible. Trains are delayed. Hotels lose reservations. Plans are revised. Learning to pivot when things don’t go your way is a life skill that separates leaders from followers. You’re welcome.

OK, so you’re convinced that you need to get out. But, how do you pay for travel? I think it’s a great idea to establish a travel savings account. Socking away your own money to pay for your trip, rather than asking relatives or friends to pay for it, will make you value the experience more. Of course, if you’re an up and coming online influencer, getting corporate sponsors to help pay for your travel is a great idea.

These are just a few great reasons to travel while you’re young. What others can you add? Why do you travel?

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